So happy about this right now! A) new toy, B) flat lawn, C) cut grass smell, D) NEW TOY!
I found a ton of dessicated dog poo that had fallen below the horizon. Now that the lawn is flat I should have no problems spotting it early.
Other things: the potatoes were overlapping the thyme and alliums, so I've put in some bamboo.
I now have red strawberries!
The runner beans have gotten as tall as the bamboo.
And tarred most of the roof of the shed. The bit I've missed I'll get with a long-handled roller on the next dry day we get. The stuff stinks and it goes on like Marmite, but that's bitumen for ya.
And lastly I've given the lawn a good feed to help it recover from its first mowing.
It looks so much neater for a good mowing, but more than that, doing something that's a visible change for the better has lifted me right out of the blues.
Once more: NEW TOY!!!
Good times.
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