The long bed that runs along the East fence is the fruit bed. The shorter one in the centre of things is one of the veg beds.
You want broken bricks in the bottom for drainage. If you can only get so many bricks but have a bunch of slabs then divide them as follows: bricks under the veg beds, slabs under the herb beds. The reason for this is that slabs have a higher pH than bricks, and herbs can generally tolerate a higher pH than veg.
I dug a pit and filled it with broken bricks,
-parked a bed over the pit,
-and half-filled it with soil.
As you can see from the plan, these are bed 1 and bed 2. The finished beds will project twice as far.
This week I'll be shopping for compost to fill the remaining space with, as neither my compost nor my leafmould are fully decomposed and ready to use yet. It looks shabby just now but this is the bare bones, and even that much isn't finished. Once I've got stuff on the grow it'll look better, and better still when I've got grass growing in the rows between the beds and perennial plants like herbs in the herb beds and fruit in the fruit bed. The rosemary will really set it off.
Lastly then, because I am a fantasy gamer to my bones, a little flourish:
Back to the grind...
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